... I want to let everyone know that "I'm alive and Well". (Thank God). If I don't blog anymore and people want to find me, you can e-mail me direct at LFORTU3508@aol.com ... Or... you can friend me on facebook. My facebook name is: Larry Lorenzo Fortunato. If something ever happens to me, (since I'm still battling this life-threatening disease), I will have my sister Nellie Fortunato DiSimone post it on my wall. My sister was a match for my Bone Marrow Transplant and I love her very much. This cancer may kill my flesh one day... however.... it will "NEVER" kill my spirit...
... As I said before, although I haven't been able to find any adult (over 40) in America who has lived 10 years with my type of Leukemia, I hope and pray that I will live a long life. My life is in God's hands, and only God will determine when my life is over here on Earth. I look forward to spending my eternity with God. I do, however, always pray that God will keep me alive long enough to see my children become independent adults. I also hope I live to see my grandchildren.
... This is probably my last blog. I do thank all of you who have followed my blog. I hope I was able to bless you, and encourage you so that you really appreciate your life while you have it. Life here on Earth is short. ... Lets "Live, Love & Laugh" ... (Less complaining & more enjoying). ... I leave you with these 3 things that are very important: "Faith, Hope & Love"... The most important of these is "LOVE". (That is written in The Bible). So please, Love God, your Family & Friends. God tells us to love people, but hate sin.
... Thank you all again for the love, support, encouragement & prayers you have all given me. I truly appreciate it and I have been blessed by you all... ... As I usually like to say: "How u doin" !!!!! Ciao & Shalom... :-) ... P.S. It was 4 years ago this month that I was diagnosed with this nightmare of a cancer. ...(Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia with PH+)... ... P.S.S. The picture above is of me & my 2 sons on a Cruise in August, 2010... Thanks again to all of you for following my blog. ... I Love you all..... :-)