Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"Sense of Taste"...

... I lost my "Sense of Taste" for about about a year after I was diagnosed with Leukemia in November, 2006. I had so much Chemo that it destroyed my taste buds. The week before my Bone Marrow Transplant, the doctors told me I was getting a triple dose of Chemo to kill most of the blood cells in my body. I was about to get an entire new blood line and immune system.

... People do not realize how blessed they are to have the "Sense of Taste". I was reminded this past Memorial Day Weekend that having the "Sense of Taste" is a beautiful thing. I was enjoying & "Tasting" all the food I ate during the holiday weekend. I was also having back flashes of when I was in the hospital for 5 months and then sent home on bed rest with "No Sense of Taste". Everything tasted like "Metal" to me because of all the Chemo I had.

... Taste buds contain the receptors for taste. They are located around the small structures on the upper surface of the tongue, soft palate, upper esophagus, and epiglottis, which are called papillae. These structures are involved in detecting the five elements of taste perception which are: Salty, Sour, Bitter, Sweet, and Savory.

... I thought I was never going to be able to taste again. It took about a year for me to get my taste buds back. I was so thankful when I was able to taste again. One of the first things I wanted to taste was my mother's homemade sauce & my wife's cooking. I really began to appreciate food more than ever. We take so much for granted in life.

... So I tell everyone out there.... be thankful that you have your "Sense of Taste". Anyone one of you can get cancer and lose your taste buds. Enjoy your meals and give thanks that you have food on the table and your taste buds to enjoy the food. Its too bad that it sometimes takes a tragedy to truly appreciate the simple things in life... I hope you all enjoyed your Memorial Day Weekend...
... God Bless you all... Ciao & Shalom.... :-)

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