Monday, February 22, 2010

Canarsie (Brooklyn) Friends...

... Canarsie (Brooklyn) was the greatest place to grow up in my opinion. I know many people may also feel the same way about their neighborhood as well. However, I can only speak for my neighborhood.

... I lived in Canarsie in the 60's, 70's and 80's. My parents and my sister moved out in 1984. I stayed an extra year and moved out in 1985. I was broken hearted when my family moved out. My mom and dad were in a very bad car accident in the early 80's. They both ended up retired and on disability.

... Since my parents were retired, they felt they could live anywhere. My sister and I had already graduated Canarsie HS by 1985. My parents chose Rockland County, NY. They chose Rockland because some of my other relatives had moved there first. My parents wanted the family to live nearby.

... Well... its been about 25 years later and I found so many of my friends thanks to "Facebook". I had kept in touch with a small number of my close friends, however, I had lost contact with the 100's of friends I went to school with and used to see hanging around the neighborhood.

... I never realized until Facebook that us Canarsiens had such a special and great bond. Sometimes its not until we grow up and mature that we realize what we really had. I really wish everyone from Canarsie would have moved to the same neighborhood. ( I personally like the Jersey Shore). I hope one day many of us retire in Florida and see each other all the time... :-)

... I am also very thankful that through Facebook, so many of us can keep in touch and have our Canarsie reunions throughout the year. I'm amazed by the love & joy I see on facebook and at all the Canarsie reunions. It is so special. Many people cannot understand it. I speak with people from other towns all around the tri-state area and they do not have what us Canarsiens have.

... I want to thank Canarsie and all my friends for helping me battle my cancer (Leukemia) these past few years. Finding my youth all over again on Facebook has really given me a strength and joy that is better than "Medicine". I am very thankful to God for everyone's love, thoughts and support.

... I will continue to fight this ugly cancer with my family and friends behind me. Its a tough battle and I hope to live as long as possible with this deadly type of Leukemia. Its been over 3 years with this Leukemia and I'm still having problems. However... with God, my family & friends.... all things are possible. Thank you everyone. I love you all.... :-)

... P.S. The picture above is of the Canarsie Theater on Avenue "L". I loved that place growing up... :-)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day to all...

... Yesterday was Sunday, February 14th. (Saint Valentine's Day). Valentine's Day is an annual holiday celebrating love and affection. The holiday was named after one or more Christian martyrs named Valentine and was established by Pope Gelasius in A.D. 496.

... I believe everyone has at least one Valentine. Many of us have more than one. A Valentine doesn't have to be a husband & wife, or a boyfriend & girlfriend. A Valentine is a time of celebrating love and affection as mentioned earlier.

... A Valentine can be a: Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Son, Daughter, Friend, Relative, Grandparent, Husband, Wife, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, and so on. (I believe it can even be a pet). I've heard people say they love their pet more than their relatives. To each his own. ( or as the Italians say: Sauseech his own).... :-)

... I personally love everyone. (some more than others of course). I have thousands of Valentine's. I'm sorry I could not get all of you a gift. I would have went However... if its really the thought that counts.... then you all got a gift... :-)

... Valentine's Day is also a time to remember those we love that have died. I believe we all know someone who has died that we have love and affection for. I know I have many. True love never dies. It's memories last a lifetime.

... I hope you all enjoyed your Valentine's weekend. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone. I love you all. Thank you for being a part of my life. God bless you all & thank God for the gift of Love.... See you at my next post... Ciao

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Liver Biopsy put on hold...

... My liver enzymes were at very high & dangerous levels about 2 months ago. That usually means the liver is inflamed and has some sort of damage to it. My doctor wanted me to have a liver biopsy. I told my doctor to lets continue a series of blood work and then we'll talk about the liver biopsy.

... Its been about 2 months later and my liver enzymes have started a downtrend. That's great news. I hope and pray the downtrend continues. Although a liver biopsy is not the worst surgery to have, I would still have the risk of getting an infection and that could be dangerous for me. My immune system is still very poor and my body may not be able to fight certain infections which could lead to death.

... I'm glad I didn't get the biopsy right away. I had decided to wait and pray. I told some of my friends that I would just keep praying that my liver would begin to heal. There's no guarantee that prayer would heal my liver. However, God wants us to pray to him for all things and God will have the final say.

... I was once taught this in Bible study years ago: God always answers prayer. God answers with either a YES, NO or WAIT. We have to put our Faith in God and he will make the final decision on all things. God promises not to give us more than we can handle if we put our trust/faith in him.

... I hope my liver continues to heal. I may not know what my future holds.... but I know who holds my future... :-) Praise the Lord... Can I get an Amen ???... :-) Stay well everyone. See you at my next post... Ciao

... P.S. The picture above was taken in Wildwood Crest with me & my two sons around the year 1999...