Monday, April 12, 2010


... The above picture was taken on March 29th, 2010. I was eating breakfast on an Amtrak train going to Florida, when all of a sudden, the train hit the emergency brake. A lady had tried to beat the train with her minivan and the train ending up hitting the minivan. Thank God there was no one in the back seat. I was told the lady had a split skull and was taken to the hospital. I looked outside and saw blood all over the inside of the minivan.

... I didn't realize we hit a minivan until the conductor had told me afterwards. I just heard some of the workers yell: "Everyone sit down and don't move". I was hoping we weren't getting hijacked by some nutty terrorist. When I saw that minivan, I thought someone had to die. That lady was really lucky to survive.

... PATIENCE is what that lady needed. PATIENCE is what we all need. People need to realize that when we become impatient in life: "We put our health & well being in jeopardy". We need to except the fact that we cannot control the world. We need to be PATIENT with all the events that will happen to us as we live out our lives on this Earth.

... People who are impatient are usually stressed out and many of them have or end up with high blood pressure. We need to stop trying to act upon something we have no control over. Many times, we just need to: Take a step back; Relax; Take a deep breath; and think about what we are about to do or say. That would save us a lot of stress and mistakes.

... Just for the record: I get impatient myself at times and have made the wrong decisions because of it. I'm still working on being as Patient as possible myself. We need Patience in our personal lives, in our marriage, with our children, with our jobs, with our relatives, our friends, our neighbors and so on.... We will need Patience during our entire lifetime. Let's all work on it.

... I once heard it said that: "A handful of Patience is worth more than a bushel of Brains".
In the bible: Eccl 7:8 (old testament) it says: "The Patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit". The bible also says: (and I'm paraphrasing) : Be anxious for nothing, but with prayer, let your requests be made known unto God. Patience is one of the most important things we need in our lives. It will help us with so many issues. I have to say that since I was diagnosed with Leukemia 3 1/2 years ago, I have become much more patient. Don't wait for a tragedy before you learn to become more patient.

... Have a great day everyone. Lets all continue to work on our Patience. Lets all try to enjoy this short time on Earth with Patience, peace, faith, hope, joy & love. May God bless us with the Patience we need to get through our lives.... Ciao & Shalom... :-)

... P.S. I am very thankful to everyone for their prayers, thoughts & well wishes as I continue to battle this rare & deadly type of Leukemia.

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