Monday, November 16, 2009

It was 3 years ago this month...

... It was November 2006, when my world was turned upside down. Life was going great. I was loving my life, my family, my friends and had a great business, when all of a sudden..... I began having severe pain in my lower back and fever with night sweats for a few days. I then decided to go for blood work.

... My Doctor called me "Thanksgiving Eve" at about 8pm and asked me to come to his office. He also asked me to have someone drive me there. I knew I was in trouble. I asked Isabel to drive me to his office. The Doctor looked at me and said: I'm sorry Lorenzo, you have Acute Leukemia. I fell face down on his desk and felt like my life was over.

... All I could think of was my 3 children who I loved so much and needed me so much. How could this happen to me ? Why me ? I was a good guy. Why, Why, Why me ? I guess its true what I learned a long time ago, no one on Earth is guaranteed a Rose Garden, we are only promised an Eternal garden if we have faith and believe.

... I was suppose to have Thanksgiving Day at my home... however... I spent Thanksgiving Day calling hospitals and crying. I originally called Sloan Kettering... however... they said there was no room and that I should call NY Presbyterian Hospital. NY Presbyterian told me to come in the next morning and get admitted.

... NY Presbyterian turned out to be a great hospital with lots of great people. I was very blessed to have been admitted there. They helped save my life. I will always give thanks to God first. I had lots of faith and prayed all the time.

... I want everyone out there to know this: Do not take anything for granted. You're lives can also be turned upside down at any time. Enjoy your life and health while you have it. Live, Laugh and Love. Always forgive and move on. I personally believe and have faith in almighty God. I cannot tell you to do the same. I can only tell you what God has done for me and I hope you too will also believe and put your faith and trust in God.

...Its been 3 years and I'm still here. Although medically I only have about a 30-35% chance to live 10 years, I know with God, I have a 100% chance to live 10 years.
... I'll go with God's odds. :-)

..... God Bless You All and have a Happy & Healthy Thanksgiving.......
..... Remember: We all have something to be Thankful for... :-)

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