Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society...

... In October 2009, I did my first fundraiser ever. It was called: "Light The Night Walk". I was never one to ask people to donate in the past. Then I said to myself, self.... just throw it out there and see what happens. The response was amazing and I raised over $ 3,000.00 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

... Just for the record... I do not get any money from that. I did it for the Society. Thank God I am financially secure and do not need any fundraisers for myself. However... I also know there are people out there who do need fundraisers for themselves and that is fine if its truly necessary.

... I know that many people have different organizations that they donate to and cannot donate to everyone who asks. However... if you are one who doesn't donate to any group and can afford to, I do hope you would find which organizations touch you personally and that you would make donations to them.

... In the past, I have donated to: Save the Children, The Red Cross, Diabetes foundation, Autism, The local Police & Firemen, My Church and a few other organizations. If you cannot afford to donate... that's understandable. If you can.... do it.
Remember: "It is more Blessed to give than to receive". I believe we have a moral obligation to help those in need.

... Any amount of money you decide to donate is better than nothing. Sometimes people think it has to be a large size donation to have any meaning. That's not true. For example: I have 500 friends on Facebook , if everyone donated just $ 10.00, that would have raised $ 5,000.00 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Everyone should give according to their financial ability. Also note that: "God loves a cheerful giver". (I read that in the bible).

... Anyway... I love everyone whether they donate or not. I just believe its nice to find which organizations touch us personally and then we should try and help.

... May God Bless us All. Especially those less fortunate...

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