Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A New Year is Coming...

... It seems the years really do go by faster and faster. I still remember being in Canarsie High School in Brooklyn and having such a great time with all my friends. How many of us would give almost anything to go back to HS ? Many I'm sure.

.. The New Year is a good time to look back and be thankful for everything we have. Our life, our health, our family, our friends, our faith, our jobs, food on the table and a roof over our heads. We may never truly appreciate all this unless we travel to a poor country and see how they live.

... The New Year is also a time to look back and make certain changes in our lives. We have all made mistakes. Lets try to fix them and not repeat them. What is done - cannot be undone. Lets just learn from our mistakes...

... This New Year's lets try and make peace with certain relatives or friends we may be upset with or angry with. Anger or resentment can eat at us like a cancer. Forgiveness is divine. We need to forgive and move on. Sometimes we just have to be the better person and swallow our pride.

... As I continue to battle cancer (Leukemia), I am especially thankful to see another year. The majority of adults over 40 with my type of Leukemia have died or will die within 5 years. I have lived 3 years with this cancer so far. I hope to be an exception and live a long life. ( God willing). I will try to stay positive and enjoy life as much as possible when I'm feeling well. I hope you all will enjoy life as much as possible too. In the New Year lets all try to enjoy life more & complain less...

... Have a very Happy & Healthy New Year everyone. Enjoy "2010". I hope its a great year for everyone. May God Bless us All....

Monday, December 21, 2009

People Watching...

... I really enjoy people watching. I never really thought about it much as a child, however, as an adult, I love it. When I was a child, I ran around with a fresh head and not a care in the world. As an adult, I'm amazed by all the different types of people in the world.

... I think one of the best places to people watch is in NYC. There are so many people of different races, religion and culture. I could sit there for hours and just watch.

... I enjoy looking at everyone and everything their wearing. I sit back and wonder where they live or what country their from. I wonder if any of them are battling any type of cancer or (Leukemia) as I am. I wonder who's married, divorced or single. I wonder who's happy, sad or depressed.

... I sometimes just feel like walking up to people and asking them questions. I love talking and getting to know people. I know its non of my business to know about everyone, however, I've always been a curious person. The human race & its people have always amazed me.

... Anyway.... I know there are lots of people out there who also enjoy people watching. I'm not alone. Maybe one day I can start a reality show and walk around NYC asking all the questions I have. I would like to help those who are down and out with their lives, and remind those who have their lives going well to really appreciate it.

... I would also like to tell everyone to love your neighbors, (hate the sin in people, but love the sinner). I would also encourage everyone to love God with all their heart and mind. If we believe we were created by God, then we ought to love the giver of our life. We should love God more than ourselves. I believe our lives are a gift from God. Always love the giver more than the gift. (Ex: We give our children gifts... however... our children should love the giver more than the gift).

... Merry Christmas everyone.
... May God bless us all...

P.S. The picture above is of Lorenzo (Larry) Fortunato in NYC during Christmas, 2009. :-)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I Always Loved This Time of Year...

... Since I was a little boy, I always loved this time of year. Christmas time is a wonderful time of year, however, it can also be a sad time for many people. If life is going well and we have our health and family in order, its great. If we had a death in the family, or our family is going through hard times, it can be a tough time of the year.

... As a child, my favorite part was the snow to go sleigh riding and all the Christmas gifts. My friends and I had so much fun with our snowball fights. I also remember going to Rockefeller Center and ice skating as a child.

...My family (about 20 of us) would open up the Christmas gifts at midnight every year on Christmas Eve. I used to love ripping that wrapping paper apart and seeing my gifts. My family and I would then play cards until the wee hours of the morning.

...As a teenager, (around the year 1976-1978), I remember hanging on to the back of cars in Canarsie (Brooklyn) when it snowed and getting pulled around town. We called that snow skitching. It was lots of fun and a little dangerous. The cars today do not have those big bumpers anymore. That sport died out. :-)

... As an adult, I love going into Manhattan and seeing all the holiday decorations. My favorite part is Rockefeller Center. I still love seeing that Christmas tree and all the ice skaters. It puts me in a great Christmas spirit.
If I was Jewish, it would put me in a great Chanukah Spirit. :-) .... how u doin !!!!

... I was diagnosed with Leukemia at Christmas time in 2006. I spent most of that Christmas season in the hospital. It was a very sad and scary time for me & my family. I tried to make believe I was happy for my children's sake. I was really a mess.

... The good news is this.... Its 3 years later and I'm still here. I am truly thankful and appreciate life so, so much. I love Christmas time and the rest of the year as well. Every day is a gift. ( that's why its called the present... :-) how u doin !!!!! ).

... I wish everyone a very Blessed & Merry Christmas. I also wish my Jewish friends a very Blessed Chanukah. As a Christian, I am thankful for the birth of Jesus Christ. That is the true celebration of "Christ" mas.
John 3:16, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son.....

... Enjoy the holidays everyone. I wish you all health and happiness. God Bless you all.
I love you all... "Merry Christmas" :-)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I went for my monthly bloodwork & physical...

... Today I went to N.Y. Presbyterian Hospital for my blood work and physical. I usually go at least once a month. They do whats called a CBC. That stands for Complete Blood Count. A CBC is a common blood test that evaluates the three major types of cells in the blood: Red blood cells, White blood cells, and Platelets.

... A CBC may be ordered as part of a routine checkup, or if someone has been feeling very tired for a while, or seems to have an infection, or had/has unexplained bruising or bleeding. This blood test is done by drawing blood from your arm. (as pictured above).

... Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.
... White blood cells help the body fight infections.
... Platelets play an important role in blood clotting and the prevention of bleeding.

... The CBC can also test for loss of blood, abnormalities in the production or destruction of blood cells, acute and chronic infections, allergies, and problems with blood clotting.

... My blood work came back with some minor issues today. I am still very anemic, my red blood cells are too low, and I'm still having some issues with my liver. My immune system is still very weak and I have to keep away from sick people. The swine flu can kill me because of my compromised immune system.

... However... overall I am very content with my results today. I'm so thankful to still be alive after only having about a 20-25% chance to live two years. Because of that, not much worries or scares me.

... I hope you have found this post educational and may have learned a little more about our bodies. See you at the next post... :-)
... How u doin !!!!!