Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A New Year is Coming...

... It seems the years really do go by faster and faster. I still remember being in Canarsie High School in Brooklyn and having such a great time with all my friends. How many of us would give almost anything to go back to HS ? Many I'm sure.

.. The New Year is a good time to look back and be thankful for everything we have. Our life, our health, our family, our friends, our faith, our jobs, food on the table and a roof over our heads. We may never truly appreciate all this unless we travel to a poor country and see how they live.

... The New Year is also a time to look back and make certain changes in our lives. We have all made mistakes. Lets try to fix them and not repeat them. What is done - cannot be undone. Lets just learn from our mistakes...

... This New Year's lets try and make peace with certain relatives or friends we may be upset with or angry with. Anger or resentment can eat at us like a cancer. Forgiveness is divine. We need to forgive and move on. Sometimes we just have to be the better person and swallow our pride.

... As I continue to battle cancer (Leukemia), I am especially thankful to see another year. The majority of adults over 40 with my type of Leukemia have died or will die within 5 years. I have lived 3 years with this cancer so far. I hope to be an exception and live a long life. ( God willing). I will try to stay positive and enjoy life as much as possible when I'm feeling well. I hope you all will enjoy life as much as possible too. In the New Year lets all try to enjoy life more & complain less...

... Have a very Happy & Healthy New Year everyone. Enjoy "2010". I hope its a great year for everyone. May God Bless us All....

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