Friday, July 24, 2009

The greatest Phone Call of my Life...

... My sister Nellie and my girlfriend Isabel (who is now my wife) called me at the hospital and told me my sister Nellie had to tell me something. My sister Nellie got on that phone and said that her DNA test results were in and that we were a perfect match for the Bone Marrow Transplant. I began crying like a baby, as did my sister, Isabel and my mom. I never cried that much in my life. I cried on and off for days. I still cry when i think about it. The doctors told me that a match will greatly increase my chance of survival. I was so happy and thanked God we were a match. I also thanked my parents for having a second child.... lol
...The next step was to schedule a date for the Bone Marrow Transplant. They set the date for January 27th, 2007. They told me i would have to go on a very intense pre-transplant procedure.
...In the meantime, i was in temporary remission from the Cancer cells in my blood. They asked me if i wanted to go home for Christmas and rest at home until my transplant. I was immune compromised at the time and had to keep away from people.
...I had recently had a port put in my chest to draw blood from and get my
anti-biotics from. I was running a fever before discharge and was told i had developed a staph infection. They asked me if i wanted to stay in the hospital during the next 4 weeks and get anti-biotics for my infection or go home and take them. I decided to go home and get treated there. I had to wear a backpack with a pump in it connected to the port in my chest to get my liguid anti-biotics 20 hours a day. I slept with that backpack for a month on my back. I'm glad i always use to sleeping on my stomach anyway. The pump would jam many times at nights and Isabel and i would be up for hours trying to fix it or call the 24 medical hotline to help us.
...Isabel and I were going out about 2 years when i was diagnosed. When i was discharged around December 15th, 2006, I asked her to move in with me. She gracefully accepted and boy did she have her hands full. I asked her if she was sure she can handle all this... i told her she could leave me and have an easier life.
I didn't want to put her through all this.
...Isabel said: I feel like i was put on this earth to love you and take care of you. Say no more... I told her she was in... :-)
..Isabel had to flush my port lines everyday, bathe me everyday (how u doin !!!) :-)
and so much more.
She has been a true blessing to me, sent by God.
Thank you Honey. I LOVE YOU....
...My next post will tell about how & why i collapsed at home at 2am and was taken back to the emergency room for 13 hours...
...Stay tuned. Same bat channel/same bat time.... :-)
* That was from the batman shows i enjoyed as a kid...
...Note... That is a picture of Lorenzo & his sister Nellie. (My Bone Marrow Donor). Thank you Nellie. I love you !!!!


  1. wow - immediate tears flowed at Isabel's comments....she really is an angel - you are both lucky to have found each other.

    Lori Murello

  2. isabel is an amazing woman..and you have a loving family that stood by you during a difficult time...i can't imagine what was'going on in your heart and your mom's..she is a strong woman and has given that strength to are truly blessed.

  3. Paisano , you are surrounded by wings of gold. Your story about Nellie brings me to tears , and Isabelle was put in your life for you at the most crucial moment. Unbelievable.
