Thursday, October 29, 2009

Graph versus Host Disease

... During 2009, I continue to battle Graph versus Host (GvH) Disease. Graph versus Host disease occurs because the new immune system from the donor's Marrow may identify the patient's body as foreign and try to destroy it. When the donor's immune cells in the Marrow attack the patient, many symptoms and side effects may result and in many cases the patient dies.

... The side effects I am dealing with on and off so far are; very dry eyes, dry mouth, some liver issues, some lung issues, extreme fatigue, rashes on the legs (those are gone now) and purple patches across the body (those are also gone now).

... I have what is called Chronic (GvH), Acute (GvH) is much more dangerous and many times leads to death. The problem is this; many patients started with Chronic and ended up with Acute. I just have to continue to stay positive and leave my life in God's hands. No one can stop themselves from dying when their time is up.

... As most of you know, My sister was the donor (Graph) and I was the patient (Host). I was very blessed to have my sister match. There is only about a 25% chance that a sibling is a match. That has given me a better chance of survival. Although my chances of surviving 10 years is still only about 30-35%. My two friends in the hospital did not match their sibling's marrow and they both died within 2 years.

... Anyway... I'm still here and very thankful. I love God, my family, my friends ( that includes my face book friends) and life. Life is beautiful. Enjoy it. Its a gift from God. I know life can also be very sad at times.
Hopefully our joys will overcome our sorrows.

... God bless us all.. See you at the next post.. :-)


  1. Lorenzo, my sister-in-law is suffering from similar conditions. I am proud to know people like you and her are courageous enough to face this difficult challenge with love in your heart. Thank you for such a great example, and may God continue to Bless you and your family.

  2. ... Thank you Anonymous...
    ... Happy Thanksgiving to you... :-)

  3. God Bless You Lorenza
    I have a son about your age that went through AML Leukemis and he has the GvH in his eyes. It went all over his body and ended up in his eyes and he still continues to have trouble with it, going on 2 years now.

  4. Thank you for sharing your life with others who might be going through this and for their family members. Right now my uncle is battling graft vs. host disease. I am not sure what stage he is in.
    Your positive outlook inspires me.

  5. Hello~ my brother has AML..I was his donor. He now has GHD...his stomach, eyes and mouth. He needs to go see the doctor but refuses. He is afraid of going back in the hospital or going back on the medicine that makes him so sick. Do you ave any words I can pass on.... Thanks for sharing your story....

  6. I would encourage your brother to go to the doctor. They have mild medicine that could help him. He doesn't have to go back in the hospital. He's better off getting checked out now before it may get worse. I hope he gets better soon... Lorenzo

  7. I am also dealing with Graff Vs. Host and its not much fun. I have joined a gym and would love to start running again someday if my lungs would just cooperate. God is good and I am grateful for the time he's given me after transplant and I will beat this

  8. Hi Anonymous. I am also having issues with my lungs. I can only speed walk. I cannot play any sports yet or join a gym. My worst issues right now are my eyes. It feels like there's sand in them all the time. I have to go see a specialist next month. I wish you all the best. God bless you... :)
