Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Stem Cell Transplant was completed 3 years ago today...

... Today is January 27th, 2010. It was 3 years ago today that my Stem Cell Transplant was complete. They began my Transplant on January 26th, 2007 at about 9pm. It lasted about 8 hours.

... I still remember my transplant very well. I was very scared and nervous. However, I was also thankful and blessed that my sister (Nellie) was a Bone Marrow match. She helped save my life. (now she owns

... I've been going to The Leukemia Society discussion boards for a few years. I have seen so many people die over the past 3 years with Leukemia. Its so sad. Although I'm a very positive person, I can't help to sometimes wonder if I'm next.

... I am a realist. I don't go around saying I know I'm going to live a long life and beat this cancer for sure. I hope I do. I want to live. I love life so much. I've seen some of the most positive people die the last few years. I've also seen people who prayed all the time die the last few years.

... I believe in being positive as I always have been a positive/optimistic and happy go lucky person my entire life. I am also a man who loves to pray and be prayed for. However, that also doesn't guarantee one to beat cancer and live a long life either.

... I do believe that my life is in God's hand and God will decide when my life has expired here on earth. The best doctors in the world cannot stop destiny. (although my Doctors are wonderful... :-). I just pray that God will continue to give me a peace that surpasses all understanding while I continue to battle this very rare & deadly type of Leukemia (A.L.L. PH+).

... I will continue to enjoy life as much as possible when I feel good. I ask for your continued prayers. I thank you all for your prayers and the love that has been poured unto me. I love my family so much. I also love my life, friends and my country. May God watch over us and give us his love, peace and joy.... See you at my next post.... :-)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Haiti's Earthquake & Death...

... Haiti's earthquake was a real catastrophe. They say over 150,000 people have died so far. I once again realize that no one is guaranteed a wonderful life or growing old before we die. In our lifetime there has been earthquakes, tsunami's, tornado's, mud slides, volcano eruptions, hurricane's and other acts of nature that have killed so many people.

... I remember while I was in the hospital for about 5 months, I use to watch the news a lot and saw so many of our American soldiers dying in the Iraqi & Afghanistan war. They gave their lives so that the rest of us can try to live in peace & freedom. They are our true hero's. Not the athlete's, actor's, singer's, movie stars and so on...

... While I laid in the hospital, I realized I was possibly dying with cancer (Leukemia), however, I was also so blessed to even have been born at all. I used to think about all the wonderful things I have seen & experienced. I was a son, a brother, a father (my favorite of all), a husband, a friend, a relative, an employee, a boss and so on... I layed in my hospital bed and thanked God for 43 beautiful years. If I was to die (as the odds were against me), I wanted God to know I was thankful, I was not upset with God.

... After seeing so many people die in so many tragedies during my lifetime, I realize that everyday is a gift. Tomorrow is guaranteed to no one. Why did I feel it was so wrong if I died ?, again, look at all the soldiers & Haitians that have died. They shouldn't have died either.

... Life should be lived with Thanksgiving and Love. What a better world it would be if we all can get that through our heads. Lets get rid of pride, anger, selfishness, hate, jealousy and so on.... In other words... lets try our best to keep sin out of our lives. When we do sin however, (and we all do whether it be a small or big sin), lets sincerely repent. God will forgive a sincere repentance.

... Lets all enjoy life as much as possible and fill our hearts with love. True love conquers all. Lets pray for all those that die/suffer in tragedies and especially for our American troops. We owe it to the troops to enjoy and be thankful for the very life they are dying for. God has truly blessed America.
... If you don't think so..... MOVE.

... See you at my next post.... :-)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Liver Issues... (Possible Biopsy)

... It's been a little over three years since I was diagnosed with a rare & dangerous type of Leukemia. My type of Leukemia at my age does not really have a cure. One just hopes to live as long as possible with it and has to deal with all its side effects.
... Last week I went for a lot of blood work because my liver enzymes were at dangerous levels. My ALT was 1058 & my AST was 632. (Those numbers should be below 50). That is telling my doctor that my liver is inflamed & damaged. That can happen when someone has drank alcohol, however, that is not my case.

... My doctors had said it can be several different problems. Here was what my doctor said it could be: 1) Hepatitis A,B or C. 2) Liver Cancer 3) An overload of Iron 4) Graph vs. Host Disease 5) A Liver infection or all the medication & pills that I have been taking for 3 years may have damaged the Liver.
... After doing my own research, I believe its Graph vs. Host Disease. ( that's when one's body fights the transplant and it attacks different parts of the body). In my case, my liver. I'm kind of hoping its Graph vs Host disease. That may be the best of the worst. In that case, the doctor will have to put me on a very high dose of steroids until the liver enzymes come back down.
... My doctor wants to do a liver biopsy. I told her I want continued blood work for another week or two and then we will do the biopsy if my counts remain very high. I think my doctor gets a little upset when I tell her what I truly want or believe. However, its my body and I will have the final say. ( How u doin !!! :-).
... Well.... I will keep everyone posted through facebook & my blog as to what is going on. Lorenzo's Life With Leukemia continues.... I will keep my love/faith/trust/hope in God and stay positive. I thank everyone for their thoughts, love & prayers.... Remember... God loves all of us.... The sick & the healthy... :-)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Kirsten's letter. Kirsten died from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia...

... Hi there, I'm Kirsten, I'm twenty-two, and I'm a girl who just loves life. I love skittles, Maddie, Darrick, Elijah, Burger King's chicken fries. I love Big Lots and Steak N Shake milkshakes. I love fishing, but hate worms. I love my parents and respect them for who they are and how they've been there for me through everything.

... I love skittles and saying French Fry instead of bye. I love the news of a new baby. I love my friends and all my 15 nieces and nephews. I love going to the zoo and camping out in my backyard with a tent. I love gummie bears and hate bugs. I love being outside and I'm not afraid of some dirt, but you better believe your ass - I'll scream if there's even a lady bug on me. :)

... I'm always laughing and being retarded. This is my story. This is what makes me - me. I'm not just a girl with cancer nor am I just another statistic. I use to say, I believe for a cure... that was my saying. But I've changed my mind... I don't have to believe for a cure anymore because I've found it. The cure is just living your damn hardest and never letting ANYTHING get in your way.

... If I could say anything to any of you who read this - Just remember... To smile. You will never regret it. Smile because of who you are. Smile because of the life you have and can live! Smile because of a child, the sunshine, warm blankets, skittles, chocolate sundaes on a hot summer day, rainbows, Jesus, family, friends, driving and blasting the music with the windows down. Find your reason and just smile. :)

... One of my cousins told me about Kirsten and I wanted to share her letter with you all. Kirsten died about 6 months ago. Once again I say to everyone to truly appreciate life and enjoy it while you have it. Live, Love, Laugh and always Smile as Kirsten said.
...May God bless us all.....

Monday, January 11, 2010

Dedicated to my Grandma ( RIP Nonna)

... This blog is dedicated to my Grandma (Nonna). My Nonna died on Jan. 3rd, 2010. She was 94 years old. She was a beautiful person who loved her family. She was like a second mother to me growing up in Canarsie, Brooklyn. I loved her very much and will miss her dearly.

... Nonna was truly blessed to have lived such a long life. Most of us can only wish to live 94 years on this earth. Nonna was healthy and in good shape until her last year. She never wore glasses and her hearing was very good.

... Nonna loved spending the holiday's with family and playing cards. She was always a good card player and won many of the games we played while she was in her 90's. Nonna was a widow for about 38 years. She was a strong person and kept things together after she lost her husband(Nonnu).

... Nonna lived long enough to see seven great grandchildren. That is truly a blessing. She was very independent and took good care of herself until she became ill last year. Nonna used to tell me how she would balance her checkbook to the penny every month. ( I can't even do that).

... I'm glad I told Nonna many times that I love her before she died. Its important that we tell those we love that we love them. Many of us have the love in us, however, we do not say it as often as we should. I ask all of you to say I love you to those you love and do not wait until its too late to say it. I know many people are shy, however, I also know how good it feels to say "I Love You".

... So I say.... enjoy your lives and love your family while you still have them. Anyone of us can take our last breath without notice. Some of you may want to write a letter to a loved one to let them know you love them, that is also a beautiful thing to do.

... Goodbye Nonna. I will miss you, I always loved you, I will see you in heaven. God bless you.