Monday, January 25, 2010

Haiti's Earthquake & Death...

... Haiti's earthquake was a real catastrophe. They say over 150,000 people have died so far. I once again realize that no one is guaranteed a wonderful life or growing old before we die. In our lifetime there has been earthquakes, tsunami's, tornado's, mud slides, volcano eruptions, hurricane's and other acts of nature that have killed so many people.

... I remember while I was in the hospital for about 5 months, I use to watch the news a lot and saw so many of our American soldiers dying in the Iraqi & Afghanistan war. They gave their lives so that the rest of us can try to live in peace & freedom. They are our true hero's. Not the athlete's, actor's, singer's, movie stars and so on...

... While I laid in the hospital, I realized I was possibly dying with cancer (Leukemia), however, I was also so blessed to even have been born at all. I used to think about all the wonderful things I have seen & experienced. I was a son, a brother, a father (my favorite of all), a husband, a friend, a relative, an employee, a boss and so on... I layed in my hospital bed and thanked God for 43 beautiful years. If I was to die (as the odds were against me), I wanted God to know I was thankful, I was not upset with God.

... After seeing so many people die in so many tragedies during my lifetime, I realize that everyday is a gift. Tomorrow is guaranteed to no one. Why did I feel it was so wrong if I died ?, again, look at all the soldiers & Haitians that have died. They shouldn't have died either.

... Life should be lived with Thanksgiving and Love. What a better world it would be if we all can get that through our heads. Lets get rid of pride, anger, selfishness, hate, jealousy and so on.... In other words... lets try our best to keep sin out of our lives. When we do sin however, (and we all do whether it be a small or big sin), lets sincerely repent. God will forgive a sincere repentance.

... Lets all enjoy life as much as possible and fill our hearts with love. True love conquers all. Lets pray for all those that die/suffer in tragedies and especially for our American troops. We owe it to the troops to enjoy and be thankful for the very life they are dying for. God has truly blessed America.
... If you don't think so..... MOVE.

... See you at my next post.... :-)

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