Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Stem Cell Transplant was completed 3 years ago today...

... Today is January 27th, 2010. It was 3 years ago today that my Stem Cell Transplant was complete. They began my Transplant on January 26th, 2007 at about 9pm. It lasted about 8 hours.

... I still remember my transplant very well. I was very scared and nervous. However, I was also thankful and blessed that my sister (Nellie) was a Bone Marrow match. She helped save my life. (now she owns

... I've been going to The Leukemia Society discussion boards for a few years. I have seen so many people die over the past 3 years with Leukemia. Its so sad. Although I'm a very positive person, I can't help to sometimes wonder if I'm next.

... I am a realist. I don't go around saying I know I'm going to live a long life and beat this cancer for sure. I hope I do. I want to live. I love life so much. I've seen some of the most positive people die the last few years. I've also seen people who prayed all the time die the last few years.

... I believe in being positive as I always have been a positive/optimistic and happy go lucky person my entire life. I am also a man who loves to pray and be prayed for. However, that also doesn't guarantee one to beat cancer and live a long life either.

... I do believe that my life is in God's hand and God will decide when my life has expired here on earth. The best doctors in the world cannot stop destiny. (although my Doctors are wonderful... :-). I just pray that God will continue to give me a peace that surpasses all understanding while I continue to battle this very rare & deadly type of Leukemia (A.L.L. PH+).

... I will continue to enjoy life as much as possible when I feel good. I ask for your continued prayers. I thank you all for your prayers and the love that has been poured unto me. I love my family so much. I also love my life, friends and my country. May God watch over us and give us his love, peace and joy.... See you at my next post.... :-)

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