Friday, March 26, 2010

"Everyone needs a Vacation"... :-)

... It's vacation time for me. I'm leaving Sunday, March 28th for 9 days. I'm going to Florida to visit my parents for Easter and spend a few days in Disney. I'm going on vacation with my wife, stepson and one of his friends. I've always looked forward to going on vacation. Of course some vacation spots are more enjoyable than others... however... most people would agree that just taking time off from the same old routine is a vacation.

... I really appreciate vacations more than ever. When I was in the hospital for 5 months fighting for my life with Leukemia, I wondered if I'd ever travel again. When you've been on your death bed, you really appreciate life more than ever and more than most people do. I prayed that God would heal me and that I would be able to get on with my life again. I thank God that so far my life is going well most of the time since I was discharged from the hospital about 35 months ago.

... I've been to a lot of places/countries in my lifetime... however... my favorite place to vacation is Sicily. If all goes well, I will be going there this August. Sicily has so much beauty & history to see, and I also have a lot of family there who I love very much. The Mediterranean Sea is beautiful. I love the ocean & the beaches. I would retire there now if I didn't have any children.

... I hope that most of you out there take at least one vacation a year if you have the opportunity. Vacations are very important. It takes us away from our everyday routine. Vacations are suppose to help us relax our mind & bodies. I know that may be hard when we have little children with us... however... it will get easier as the kids get older. Kids love vacations too.

... So I hope that everyone will be able to take some sort of vacation this year if you haven't so far. Enjoy your getaway from the everyday hustle & bustle. ( Is bustle a word ?.. :-). Enjoy your vacation whether you take one alone, with a friend or family. Take pictures, because memories last a lifetime. Enjoy your life. Remember: Live, Love & Laugh...

... P.S. My 2nd favorite place to vacation is The Bahamas.
... P.S.S. My next blog will be in about 2 weeks. Ciao for now. I love you all... :-)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Its Spring Time...

... Saturday, March 20th, was the first day of Spring. Many of us who live in the Northeast are very happy to see Spring after a tough winter. The weather on Saturday & Sunday was beautiful. Its amazing how good the nice weather can make most of us feel. Of course, there are those who will complain no matter what the weather is like.

... I'm very thankful and blessed all year round. However... I too feel a little better and happier when the weather is nice. Its nice to see people out and about. Its nice to put away our winter coats and get our shorts & T-shirts ready. Its time for us & our kids to play outdoor sports in the nice weather. Its also time to start Bar-B-Q'ing. I always loved a good Bar-B-Q... :-)

... I look forward to seeing my neighbors outside and talking to them. I wish my Canarsie/Brooklyn friends and family all still lived in the same town. That would make the Spring time even better. I miss growing up with so many friends and family living within 2 miles. We could all walk around the neighborhood and see each other.

... Our children in the suburbs will never have what we had living in Canarsie/Brooklyn years ago. Its a different world for them. We can tell our kids or new friends about what we had.. however... they will never truly understand it. I'm glad memories last a life time. I know many of us had great ones.

... I hope everyone gets out there and enjoys the Springtime. Lets try and let go of past negative issues and turn a new leaf for the Spring. Lets enjoy our lives, respect one another, help those who are in need, be patient with everyone, and love one another. The bible says: If we don't have love, we are nothing. I Corinthians 13:1-7... (Talks about Love).

..... Happy Spring Time Everyone. Live, Laugh, Love and Smile.... :-)
..... God Bless us All. Go out and share your love with everyone.... :-)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mother Nature

... Yesterday was Saturday, March 13th. Here in New York, the news said that we had the worst rain & wind storm in a decade. Some areas had it worst than others. I personally did not have it that bad in Rockland County, NY.

... The news showed that some of the worst hit areas were: Long Island, Staten Island, Westchester, and parts of Brooklyn, Queens & New Jersey. The news also said how 2 people walking in Teaneck, NJ were killed when a tree fell on them and crushed them. (several other people were killed as well).

... We are once again reminded how we have no control over Mother Nature and certain other circumstances in our life. Certain people lost power, some people had trees fall on their homes and cars. The saddest news that happened were that a handful of people lost their lives.

... This is just another reminder to all of us to appreciate all that we have. When we're home and have our electric, we are blessed. Many of us would go bananas without lights, refrigeration, television & a computer. Think about all the people who live like that everyday in those poor countries. Their just happy when there's some food on the table.

... I'm thankful that no one I know was hurt or killed during that storm. I feel bad for those who had damage done to their homes or cars. However, my heart goes out to those who died and lost loved ones.

... Lets remember that Mother Nature can take away our material possessions or our lives at any time during our lifetime. Lets enjoy all that we have.... and not complain about what we don't have or wish we had. As long as we have our health, family, friends, faith and love in our hearts.... we are truly blessed beyond measure....

... I look forward to the spring time as the weather will be getting sunny & warmer in the New York area. I know many of you feel the same way. The nice weather usually puts people in a happier mood. Spring is only 6 days away. Happy Spring Time everyone. Live, Love & Laugh...... Ciao.... :-)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

" It could always be worse "...

... Remember this everyone; "It can always be worse". No matter what your problem or circumstance may be. Some of us out there may have had tough times or are in the middle of a tough time... however.... you're all alive if you're reading this... :-). My mom always said: "As long as you're alive, anything can be fixed or resolved. My mom would then say: "Only in death is it too late to fix anything".

... When I was a child growing up in Canarsie (Brooklyn), whenever I complained about anything, my dad (Papa) used to tell me: "You're lucky you're not living in Africa" (he meant areas like Ethiopia). My dad would then say: "I wish you can go live in Africa for a few months and then you would realize how lucky you are". My dad then said: "You would come back to this country and kiss the floor".

... My parents were very wise people with a lot of common sense. Although they didn't have much of an education... they had a lot of common sense, and that to me is worth much more than books. They don't teach common sense in Harvard or any other College.

... My dad was right about how fortunate we are to live in America. Although my dad was from Italy, he always said that America was the greatest country in the world. My dad left Italy to make a better future for himself and his family to be. My dad really appreciated America because there was not much work or money to be made in Italy. (Sicily).

... My dad said many Americans were spoiled and didn't realize how good we have it here compared to the rest of the world. He was right again. I also believe America is the greatest country in the world. People in this country need to be thankful and appreciate what we have. Those that are complainers, would complain no matter where they lived in the world.

... Okay then, lets try and all be more appreciative of life and complain less. Lets count our blessings and not our issues. We all have issues. Someone once told me that life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% is how we handle it.

... There was a man who was robbed and beat up once. He then said: I'm very thankful for 3 reasons. #1). I wasn't killed. #2). He didn't get all I own. and #3). I'm thankful I wasn't the robber. Remember: Its all about how we look at things.

... I can relate to him because even though I have a rare & deadly type of Leukemia.... I have stayed thankful & positive during my battle with Leukemia. "Remember: It can always be worse"... God bless America & may God bless us all.... See you at my next post... :-)

Monday, March 1, 2010

We can learn something from the Dead...

... Someone once told me many years ago that there's a lot of people in the Cemetery that wish they were me. I thought about that for a while and said to myself... self... he's right... :-)

... We really can learn something from the dead. All of us know someone who has died. Let's think about what that person would tell us if they could talk to us after they died. I believe most dead people would tell us to enjoy our short life on Earth as much as possible.

... My friend Marcello died last week. I went to see him a few months before he died. He told me that he was probably going to die. One of the things he told me was that he wished he had taken more time off work and enjoyed life more. He also told if he lives and beats the cancer he was battling, he wanted to travel with his family and see places he always wanted to see. I'm sure they were many other things he would have loved to have done as well.

... Many dead people would have told us to love our family and friends while we have them. They would tell us to spend quality time with our children. Many people would have told us to forgive people and move on. They would have told us not to sweat the small stuff. Some would have said to work less and enjoy life more.

... My relatives & friends in Sicily (Italy) always told me this: In America, it seems most people live to work. In Sicily, we work to live. I have to agree with them because their quality of life is much less stressful and filled with more peace and joy than most of us in America.

... So I say to everyone: Enjoy this short life while you have it. Live/Love & Laugh. Make your bucket list. Do whatever makes you happy as long as you're not hurting anyone or doing anything sinful or illegal.

... I was on my death bed for almost 5 months in the hospital fighting Leukemia 3 years ago. I'm still on lots of meds. I made a mental bucket list. I will continue to try and accomplish as much as possible. I love life and people more than ever.... Please don't wait until you die to wish you Woulda-Coulda-Shoulda.... Just Do it..
... God bless you all. I love you all...

... P.S. Today is my sister Nellie's 43rd Birthday. I want to say I love her with all my heart & soul. Thank you for donating your Bone Marrow to me and saving my life.... :-)