Sunday, March 21, 2010

Its Spring Time...

... Saturday, March 20th, was the first day of Spring. Many of us who live in the Northeast are very happy to see Spring after a tough winter. The weather on Saturday & Sunday was beautiful. Its amazing how good the nice weather can make most of us feel. Of course, there are those who will complain no matter what the weather is like.

... I'm very thankful and blessed all year round. However... I too feel a little better and happier when the weather is nice. Its nice to see people out and about. Its nice to put away our winter coats and get our shorts & T-shirts ready. Its time for us & our kids to play outdoor sports in the nice weather. Its also time to start Bar-B-Q'ing. I always loved a good Bar-B-Q... :-)

... I look forward to seeing my neighbors outside and talking to them. I wish my Canarsie/Brooklyn friends and family all still lived in the same town. That would make the Spring time even better. I miss growing up with so many friends and family living within 2 miles. We could all walk around the neighborhood and see each other.

... Our children in the suburbs will never have what we had living in Canarsie/Brooklyn years ago. Its a different world for them. We can tell our kids or new friends about what we had.. however... they will never truly understand it. I'm glad memories last a life time. I know many of us had great ones.

... I hope everyone gets out there and enjoys the Springtime. Lets try and let go of past negative issues and turn a new leaf for the Spring. Lets enjoy our lives, respect one another, help those who are in need, be patient with everyone, and love one another. The bible says: If we don't have love, we are nothing. I Corinthians 13:1-7... (Talks about Love).

..... Happy Spring Time Everyone. Live, Laugh, Love and Smile.... :-)
..... God Bless us All. Go out and share your love with everyone.... :-)

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