Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mother Nature

... Yesterday was Saturday, March 13th. Here in New York, the news said that we had the worst rain & wind storm in a decade. Some areas had it worst than others. I personally did not have it that bad in Rockland County, NY.

... The news showed that some of the worst hit areas were: Long Island, Staten Island, Westchester, and parts of Brooklyn, Queens & New Jersey. The news also said how 2 people walking in Teaneck, NJ were killed when a tree fell on them and crushed them. (several other people were killed as well).

... We are once again reminded how we have no control over Mother Nature and certain other circumstances in our life. Certain people lost power, some people had trees fall on their homes and cars. The saddest news that happened were that a handful of people lost their lives.

... This is just another reminder to all of us to appreciate all that we have. When we're home and have our electric, we are blessed. Many of us would go bananas without lights, refrigeration, television & a computer. Think about all the people who live like that everyday in those poor countries. Their just happy when there's some food on the table.

... I'm thankful that no one I know was hurt or killed during that storm. I feel bad for those who had damage done to their homes or cars. However, my heart goes out to those who died and lost loved ones.

... Lets remember that Mother Nature can take away our material possessions or our lives at any time during our lifetime. Lets enjoy all that we have.... and not complain about what we don't have or wish we had. As long as we have our health, family, friends, faith and love in our hearts.... we are truly blessed beyond measure....

... I look forward to the spring time as the weather will be getting sunny & warmer in the New York area. I know many of you feel the same way. The nice weather usually puts people in a happier mood. Spring is only 6 days away. Happy Spring Time everyone. Live, Love & Laugh...... Ciao.... :-)

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