Monday, March 1, 2010

We can learn something from the Dead...

... Someone once told me many years ago that there's a lot of people in the Cemetery that wish they were me. I thought about that for a while and said to myself... self... he's right... :-)

... We really can learn something from the dead. All of us know someone who has died. Let's think about what that person would tell us if they could talk to us after they died. I believe most dead people would tell us to enjoy our short life on Earth as much as possible.

... My friend Marcello died last week. I went to see him a few months before he died. He told me that he was probably going to die. One of the things he told me was that he wished he had taken more time off work and enjoyed life more. He also told if he lives and beats the cancer he was battling, he wanted to travel with his family and see places he always wanted to see. I'm sure they were many other things he would have loved to have done as well.

... Many dead people would have told us to love our family and friends while we have them. They would tell us to spend quality time with our children. Many people would have told us to forgive people and move on. They would have told us not to sweat the small stuff. Some would have said to work less and enjoy life more.

... My relatives & friends in Sicily (Italy) always told me this: In America, it seems most people live to work. In Sicily, we work to live. I have to agree with them because their quality of life is much less stressful and filled with more peace and joy than most of us in America.

... So I say to everyone: Enjoy this short life while you have it. Live/Love & Laugh. Make your bucket list. Do whatever makes you happy as long as you're not hurting anyone or doing anything sinful or illegal.

... I was on my death bed for almost 5 months in the hospital fighting Leukemia 3 years ago. I'm still on lots of meds. I made a mental bucket list. I will continue to try and accomplish as much as possible. I love life and people more than ever.... Please don't wait until you die to wish you Woulda-Coulda-Shoulda.... Just Do it..
... God bless you all. I love you all...

... P.S. Today is my sister Nellie's 43rd Birthday. I want to say I love her with all my heart & soul. Thank you for donating your Bone Marrow to me and saving my life.... :-)


  1. i love this post larry
    can you tell me what a bucket list is ?

  2. ... Hi Ann. A bucket list in this sense is a list of things we want to do before we die....
    ... Thanks for reading my blog... :-)
