Sunday, March 7, 2010

" It could always be worse "...

... Remember this everyone; "It can always be worse". No matter what your problem or circumstance may be. Some of us out there may have had tough times or are in the middle of a tough time... however.... you're all alive if you're reading this... :-). My mom always said: "As long as you're alive, anything can be fixed or resolved. My mom would then say: "Only in death is it too late to fix anything".

... When I was a child growing up in Canarsie (Brooklyn), whenever I complained about anything, my dad (Papa) used to tell me: "You're lucky you're not living in Africa" (he meant areas like Ethiopia). My dad would then say: "I wish you can go live in Africa for a few months and then you would realize how lucky you are". My dad then said: "You would come back to this country and kiss the floor".

... My parents were very wise people with a lot of common sense. Although they didn't have much of an education... they had a lot of common sense, and that to me is worth much more than books. They don't teach common sense in Harvard or any other College.

... My dad was right about how fortunate we are to live in America. Although my dad was from Italy, he always said that America was the greatest country in the world. My dad left Italy to make a better future for himself and his family to be. My dad really appreciated America because there was not much work or money to be made in Italy. (Sicily).

... My dad said many Americans were spoiled and didn't realize how good we have it here compared to the rest of the world. He was right again. I also believe America is the greatest country in the world. People in this country need to be thankful and appreciate what we have. Those that are complainers, would complain no matter where they lived in the world.

... Okay then, lets try and all be more appreciative of life and complain less. Lets count our blessings and not our issues. We all have issues. Someone once told me that life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% is how we handle it.

... There was a man who was robbed and beat up once. He then said: I'm very thankful for 3 reasons. #1). I wasn't killed. #2). He didn't get all I own. and #3). I'm thankful I wasn't the robber. Remember: Its all about how we look at things.

... I can relate to him because even though I have a rare & deadly type of Leukemia.... I have stayed thankful & positive during my battle with Leukemia. "Remember: It can always be worse"... God bless America & may God bless us all.... See you at my next post... :-)

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