Friday, August 7, 2009

Full Body Radiation....

... After 3 days of very high doses of Chemo, it was now time to start Full Body Radiation. Since Leukemia is a blood cancer and i needed a transplant, i had to be radiated from head to toe. Most people only get Radiation pointed to where the cancer actually exists. With Leukemia & other blood cancers, we have cancer from head to toe because its in our blood. The doctors wanted to make sure they killed most of the cells inside me before my body would get the Stem Cell Transplant.

...It was Monday morning and at about 9am they came with a wheel chair to escort me to the Radiation room. I was very weak after all the Chemo and the Radiation would only make me weaker. I needed that wheel chair.

...I was then basically tied up while i was standing. I felt like i was wrapped up in a strait jacket. They didn't want me to move. The doctors & nurses then closed this very thick door and started zapping me from top to bottom. One patient told me it was like getting Nuked. I felt no pain... however... i began having an anxiety attack from being wrapped up and not being able to move.

...I yelled out to stop and they did. They then had to give me Valium to relax and we then continued the procedure for about 30 minutes. When i finished, they said they would come get me in my room again at about 4pm and do it all again. This procedure went on twice a day (30 minutes each time) from Monday-Thursday. I had several anxiety attacks during that week. The Valiums worked great. (maybe too good). I was starting to enjoy feeling very relaxed. I began asking for Valiums to go to sleep on certain nights. I usually only took 5-10 milligrams at a time.

...By Thursday afternoon i was drained and feeling sick. I couldn't really eat and I was losing weight. The next day was Friday and they told me i would be getting my Stem Cell Transplant at about 8pm Friday night. My sister Nellie would have to be at the hospital Friday morning and get ready to be my beautiful donor. I was a nervous wreck Thursday night and took a Valium to go to sleep... Tomorrow is the big day...

...In my next post i will go through the Stem Cell Transplant procedure..

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