Sunday, August 2, 2009

My 4 weeks at home before the Transplant...

...I was at home for the next 4 weeks waiting to be readmitted to the hospital for my Bone Marrow Transplant. So many thoughts and emotions are running through my mind. I spent most of my time laying on the couch in the living room and watching the news on T.V.

...As i watch the news, I see all the U.S. soldiers that are dying in the Iraq war. I also see all other kinds of tragedies going on in people's life all around the country. I realized that instead of me saying: Why me ? , Why me ?, so many times.... I then began to say: Why not ?. Why not me ? Who am I to be guaranteed a long life full of health ? Our soldiers were dying for our freedom, people were dying of diseases all over the world, people were being murdered for no reason, planes had crashed and killed innocent children and so on.

...I then began to be thankful for the life I had up to that point. I was so blessed to have had a beautiful family & great friends growing up in Canarsie, Brooklyn. I was blessed to have had 3 beautiful children to love, raise and enjoy. (My children were 16, 14 and 12 when i was diagnosed). I was blessed with a beautiful girlfriend named Isabel who gave up her life for me and wanted to take care of me .I was blessed to have done much traveling in my life. I was blessed to always have food on the table, clothing on my back and a roof over my head.

...At that point, I had accepted the fact that the odds were against me living and if it was my time to go...... i told God i was ready. I also got a piece of paper and wrote a goodbye letter to my children. I added that letter in my will.

...I once read (in a commentary) that God never promised us a Rose Garden here on Earth, God promised us an Eternal Garden, if we believe, trust and give our hearts to God, we will spend our eternity with him. We will have trials & tribulations here on Earth. No one knows when death will knock at our door. We just need to be ready when its our time to go.

...I then began reading the book of Proverbs from the Old Testament almost everyday. In my opinion, that book is full of more Wisdom & common sense then any book from any College or University in the world. (Take a peek some day).

...So many people would ask me what they could do for me... all i would answer is : just say a prayer for me. What else can anyone really do for me when I only have about a 20-25% chance of survival ? I do thank everyone for asking. I was filled with lots of love all around me. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers...

...My next blog will talk about the pre-Bone-Marrow-Transplant procedure at the hospital when i was readmitted.

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