Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hallucinations & Vertigo...

...I'll never forget the nights i was put on Morphine because i was in so much pain. All the other pain killers didn't work. My mom was staying with me one night and had a small bed next to mine.

...I woke up between 2-4am and started yelling out for help because i thought i was on fire. I wanted someone to call the Fire department. I thought i died and then passed out. I then woke up again a little later and began yelling out for help because i thought i was being stabbed to death. Once again i thought i died and passed out. I woke up a third time and yelled out for help because i thought i was being shot to death.
I call that : " The Night I Died 3 Times". My poor mom was just laying there and didn't know what to do. I laugh as i think about it now. It was scary then.

...There was another night when I hallucinated. This time Isabel was sleeping in the small bed next to mine. I woke up in the middle of the night and yelled out to Isabel: "I'm sorry honey, i tried, i can't take it anymore, i can't beat this Leukemia, I'm going to die now, say goodbye to everyone and tell them i love them."
I then passed out and went back to sleep. The doctors had told me i may hallucinate on morphine, I didn't believe them. I'm a believer now. I hope i never need morphine again.

...I also developed some Vertigo & dizzy spells after the Transplant. I couldn't even walk myself to the bathroom when i had vertigo. I had to be escorted to the bathroom. I would feel so nauseous when i had vertigo. I would sometimes drop to the floor and vomit. I rarely ever get vertigo anymore, I do however, still get dizzy spells from time to time.

...I will discuss more events that occurred during my six weeks in the hospital after my transplant in my next post...

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