Thursday, November 11, 2010

... I'm alive and well !!!! :-)

... Today is November 11th, 2010. I haven't posted in a while. The last blog I wrote was about being named the 2010 Honored Hero from the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I was going to have my last blog be my last, however, a few people sent me messages and seemed concerned about what had happened to me.

... I want to let everyone know that "I'm alive and Well". (Thank God). If I don't blog anymore and people want to find me, you can e-mail me direct at ... Or... you can friend me on facebook. My facebook name is: Larry Lorenzo Fortunato. If something ever happens to me, (since I'm still battling this life-threatening disease), I will have my sister Nellie Fortunato DiSimone post it on my wall. My sister was a match for my Bone Marrow Transplant and I love her very much. This cancer may kill my flesh one day... however.... it will "NEVER" kill my spirit...

... As I said before, although I haven't been able to find any adult (over 40) in America who has lived 10 years with my type of Leukemia, I hope and pray that I will live a long life. My life is in God's hands, and only God will determine when my life is over here on Earth. I look forward to spending my eternity with God. I do, however, always pray that God will keep me alive long enough to see my children become independent adults. I also hope I live to see my grandchildren.

... This is probably my last blog. I do thank all of you who have followed my blog. I hope I was able to bless you, and encourage you so that you really appreciate your life while you have it. Life here on Earth is short. ... Lets "Live, Love & Laugh" ... (Less complaining & more enjoying). ... I leave you with these 3 things that are very important: "Faith, Hope & Love"... The most important of these is "LOVE". (That is written in The Bible). So please, Love God, your Family & Friends. God tells us to love people, but hate sin.

... Thank you all again for the love, support, encouragement & prayers you have all given me. I truly appreciate it and I have been blessed by you all... ... As I usually like to say: "How u doin" !!!!! Ciao & Shalom... :-) ... P.S. It was 4 years ago this month that I was diagnosed with this nightmare of a cancer. ...(Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia with PH+)... ... P.S.S. The picture above is of me & my 2 sons on a Cruise in August, 2010... Thanks again to all of you for following my blog. ... I Love you all..... :-)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

" 2010 Rockland County Honored Hero "...

... I am humbled and thankful to have been named "The 2010 Rockland County Honored Hero" from "The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society". I have been battling this deadly & rare type of Leukemia (A.L.L. with PH+) for about 3 1/2 years. I gave a speech about 2 weeks ago to the Rotary Club about my life with Leukemia since I was diagnosed. I will also be speaking to other organizations the next several months.

... During my speech, my voice broke and I cried a few times. I guess when I relive the nightmare of this cancer in details, it gets me very emotional. However, I enjoy talking about my journey with Leukemia. It is a form of mental therapy for me. I've always been the type to feel better after I share the hard times in my life. I'm not one to hold things in. People that know me, know I'll tell you like it is. I wear my heart on my sleeve.

... As part of being named the 2010 Honored Hero, I will be walking/marching with a few hundred people on October 24, 2010 at Nyack Memorial Park in Nyack, NY. I encourage anyone who has a desire to walk with me to please do. I will probably be making a speech that day and will mention all the love/support I have gotten from my "Family & Friends".

...Please try to participate in "The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Light the Night Walk" to help those with blood cancers and raise money for important research that gives us living with blood cancer hope for the future. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society has been a blessing to me. Thank you all so much.
God bless you all.

... I love you all.... Lorenzo A. Fortunato... :-)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"Sense of Taste"...

... I lost my "Sense of Taste" for about about a year after I was diagnosed with Leukemia in November, 2006. I had so much Chemo that it destroyed my taste buds. The week before my Bone Marrow Transplant, the doctors told me I was getting a triple dose of Chemo to kill most of the blood cells in my body. I was about to get an entire new blood line and immune system.

... People do not realize how blessed they are to have the "Sense of Taste". I was reminded this past Memorial Day Weekend that having the "Sense of Taste" is a beautiful thing. I was enjoying & "Tasting" all the food I ate during the holiday weekend. I was also having back flashes of when I was in the hospital for 5 months and then sent home on bed rest with "No Sense of Taste". Everything tasted like "Metal" to me because of all the Chemo I had.

... Taste buds contain the receptors for taste. They are located around the small structures on the upper surface of the tongue, soft palate, upper esophagus, and epiglottis, which are called papillae. These structures are involved in detecting the five elements of taste perception which are: Salty, Sour, Bitter, Sweet, and Savory.

... I thought I was never going to be able to taste again. It took about a year for me to get my taste buds back. I was so thankful when I was able to taste again. One of the first things I wanted to taste was my mother's homemade sauce & my wife's cooking. I really began to appreciate food more than ever. We take so much for granted in life.

... So I tell everyone out there.... be thankful that you have your "Sense of Taste". Anyone one of you can get cancer and lose your taste buds. Enjoy your meals and give thanks that you have food on the table and your taste buds to enjoy the food. Its too bad that it sometimes takes a tragedy to truly appreciate the simple things in life... I hope you all enjoyed your Memorial Day Weekend...
... God Bless you all... Ciao & Shalom.... :-)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

"St. Jude Children's Hospital"...

... This post is dedicated to St. Jude Children's Hospital. I chose St Jude Children's Hospital because since St. Jude was established, the survival rate for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, the most common type of childhood cancer, has increased from 4 percent in 1962 to 94 percent today. St. Jude has treated children from across the United States and from more than 70 countries.

... Doctors across the world consult with St. Jude on their toughest cases, in which there is no cure for or is a severe case of it. Also, St. Jude has an International Outreach Program to improve the survival rates of children with catastrophic illnesses worldwide through the transfer of knowledge, technology and organizational skills.

... St. Jude was founded by entertainer Danny Thomas on the premise that "no child should die in the dawn of life." Thomas named the hospital for Saint Jude Thaddeus, the Catholic patron saint of hospitals, desperate cases and lost causes. Danny's daughter, Marlo Thomas, is The National Outreach Director for St Jude Children's Hospital.

... I hope & pray that one day my type of Leukemia (A.L.L. with Philadelphia Chromosome Positive) will also have a 94 percent survival rate. My type of Leukemia currently only has about a 20-25 percent chance of survival the first two years and then a 30-35 percent chance of survival of making ten years if you lived past the first two years.

... However... as I have said in the past: I will stay positive and keep my faith in God. My life is in God's hands. God can have me whenever he wants me. I will just keep praying that God allows me to live a long time to enjoy & love my family and friends.

... All of you out there who are healthy & have healthy children should always count your blessings. Those of you that are not that healthy or have children that are not that healthy should also count your blessings. I have a deadly cancer and my 15 year old daughter (Anna) is severely mentally disabled... however... I will always count my blessings and make the most out of this short life.

... If we believe the word of God, then we must believe there is more than this short life on Earth. I believe in everlasting life filled with joy and happiness as the bible tells us. I hope to see many of my friends and family in heaven one day.

... Have a blessed day and may God bless us all....

... How u doin ????? :-)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

" Peripheral Neuropathy "...

... I have been suffering with Neuropathy of the feet & legs for about 3 years now. Most of the pain is in my "FEET". My Doctors believe that all the Chemo I had probably caused the nerve damage. Peripheral Neuropathy is the term for damage to the nerves of the Peripheral Nervous System. This may be caused either by diseases of the nerve or from the side-effects of systemic illness. The most common form is (symmetrical) peripheral polyneuropathy, which mainly affects the feet and legs.

... Neuropathy may be associated with varying combinations of weakness, autonomic changes and sensory changes. Loss of muscle bulk and a particular fine twitching of muscle may be seen. Sensory symptoms causes loss of sensation and "positive" phenomena including pain. Symptoms depend on the type of nerves affected; motor, sensory, autonomic, and where the nerves are located in the body. One or more types of nerves may be affected.

... A Loss of balance and coordination may also occur. Damage to the sensory nerve can produce tingling, numbness, muscle cramps, spasms, weakness, and severe pain. Pain associated with this nerve is described in various ways. The autonomic nerve damage also causes problems with involuntary functions leading to symptoms such as abnormal blood pressure and heart rate.

... The Doctors have told me that there's a chance that this may go away... however... they said its most likely I may suffer with Neuropathy for many years if not for life. I have been walking around with numbness & pain in my feet & legs for years.

... However... As I have said before: I am so thankful and blessed to be alive. My type of Leukemia kills about 75-80% of the people within 5 years. The Leukemia Society has not been able to find me one person who has survived 10 years with my rare & dangerous type of Leukemia. I hope & pray that I can be one of the chosen ones by God to live a long life.

... I'll say it again: All of you out there who have your health & are alive are truly blessed beyond measure. Enjoy your life, your family and friends and try not to complain about non-sense. You can deal with any issues you may have as long as you have your health. May God bless us all and may we be full of love & kindness...
... How u doin !!!!!! :-)

Monday, April 12, 2010


... The above picture was taken on March 29th, 2010. I was eating breakfast on an Amtrak train going to Florida, when all of a sudden, the train hit the emergency brake. A lady had tried to beat the train with her minivan and the train ending up hitting the minivan. Thank God there was no one in the back seat. I was told the lady had a split skull and was taken to the hospital. I looked outside and saw blood all over the inside of the minivan.

... I didn't realize we hit a minivan until the conductor had told me afterwards. I just heard some of the workers yell: "Everyone sit down and don't move". I was hoping we weren't getting hijacked by some nutty terrorist. When I saw that minivan, I thought someone had to die. That lady was really lucky to survive.

... PATIENCE is what that lady needed. PATIENCE is what we all need. People need to realize that when we become impatient in life: "We put our health & well being in jeopardy". We need to except the fact that we cannot control the world. We need to be PATIENT with all the events that will happen to us as we live out our lives on this Earth.

... People who are impatient are usually stressed out and many of them have or end up with high blood pressure. We need to stop trying to act upon something we have no control over. Many times, we just need to: Take a step back; Relax; Take a deep breath; and think about what we are about to do or say. That would save us a lot of stress and mistakes.

... Just for the record: I get impatient myself at times and have made the wrong decisions because of it. I'm still working on being as Patient as possible myself. We need Patience in our personal lives, in our marriage, with our children, with our jobs, with our relatives, our friends, our neighbors and so on.... We will need Patience during our entire lifetime. Let's all work on it.

... I once heard it said that: "A handful of Patience is worth more than a bushel of Brains".
In the bible: Eccl 7:8 (old testament) it says: "The Patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit". The bible also says: (and I'm paraphrasing) : Be anxious for nothing, but with prayer, let your requests be made known unto God. Patience is one of the most important things we need in our lives. It will help us with so many issues. I have to say that since I was diagnosed with Leukemia 3 1/2 years ago, I have become much more patient. Don't wait for a tragedy before you learn to become more patient.

... Have a great day everyone. Lets all continue to work on our Patience. Lets all try to enjoy this short time on Earth with Patience, peace, faith, hope, joy & love. May God bless us with the Patience we need to get through our lives.... Ciao & Shalom... :-)

... P.S. I am very thankful to everyone for their prayers, thoughts & well wishes as I continue to battle this rare & deadly type of Leukemia.

Friday, March 26, 2010

"Everyone needs a Vacation"... :-)

... It's vacation time for me. I'm leaving Sunday, March 28th for 9 days. I'm going to Florida to visit my parents for Easter and spend a few days in Disney. I'm going on vacation with my wife, stepson and one of his friends. I've always looked forward to going on vacation. Of course some vacation spots are more enjoyable than others... however... most people would agree that just taking time off from the same old routine is a vacation.

... I really appreciate vacations more than ever. When I was in the hospital for 5 months fighting for my life with Leukemia, I wondered if I'd ever travel again. When you've been on your death bed, you really appreciate life more than ever and more than most people do. I prayed that God would heal me and that I would be able to get on with my life again. I thank God that so far my life is going well most of the time since I was discharged from the hospital about 35 months ago.

... I've been to a lot of places/countries in my lifetime... however... my favorite place to vacation is Sicily. If all goes well, I will be going there this August. Sicily has so much beauty & history to see, and I also have a lot of family there who I love very much. The Mediterranean Sea is beautiful. I love the ocean & the beaches. I would retire there now if I didn't have any children.

... I hope that most of you out there take at least one vacation a year if you have the opportunity. Vacations are very important. It takes us away from our everyday routine. Vacations are suppose to help us relax our mind & bodies. I know that may be hard when we have little children with us... however... it will get easier as the kids get older. Kids love vacations too.

... So I hope that everyone will be able to take some sort of vacation this year if you haven't so far. Enjoy your getaway from the everyday hustle & bustle. ( Is bustle a word ?.. :-). Enjoy your vacation whether you take one alone, with a friend or family. Take pictures, because memories last a lifetime. Enjoy your life. Remember: Live, Love & Laugh...

... P.S. My 2nd favorite place to vacation is The Bahamas.
... P.S.S. My next blog will be in about 2 weeks. Ciao for now. I love you all... :-)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Its Spring Time...

... Saturday, March 20th, was the first day of Spring. Many of us who live in the Northeast are very happy to see Spring after a tough winter. The weather on Saturday & Sunday was beautiful. Its amazing how good the nice weather can make most of us feel. Of course, there are those who will complain no matter what the weather is like.

... I'm very thankful and blessed all year round. However... I too feel a little better and happier when the weather is nice. Its nice to see people out and about. Its nice to put away our winter coats and get our shorts & T-shirts ready. Its time for us & our kids to play outdoor sports in the nice weather. Its also time to start Bar-B-Q'ing. I always loved a good Bar-B-Q... :-)

... I look forward to seeing my neighbors outside and talking to them. I wish my Canarsie/Brooklyn friends and family all still lived in the same town. That would make the Spring time even better. I miss growing up with so many friends and family living within 2 miles. We could all walk around the neighborhood and see each other.

... Our children in the suburbs will never have what we had living in Canarsie/Brooklyn years ago. Its a different world for them. We can tell our kids or new friends about what we had.. however... they will never truly understand it. I'm glad memories last a life time. I know many of us had great ones.

... I hope everyone gets out there and enjoys the Springtime. Lets try and let go of past negative issues and turn a new leaf for the Spring. Lets enjoy our lives, respect one another, help those who are in need, be patient with everyone, and love one another. The bible says: If we don't have love, we are nothing. I Corinthians 13:1-7... (Talks about Love).

..... Happy Spring Time Everyone. Live, Laugh, Love and Smile.... :-)
..... God Bless us All. Go out and share your love with everyone.... :-)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mother Nature

... Yesterday was Saturday, March 13th. Here in New York, the news said that we had the worst rain & wind storm in a decade. Some areas had it worst than others. I personally did not have it that bad in Rockland County, NY.

... The news showed that some of the worst hit areas were: Long Island, Staten Island, Westchester, and parts of Brooklyn, Queens & New Jersey. The news also said how 2 people walking in Teaneck, NJ were killed when a tree fell on them and crushed them. (several other people were killed as well).

... We are once again reminded how we have no control over Mother Nature and certain other circumstances in our life. Certain people lost power, some people had trees fall on their homes and cars. The saddest news that happened were that a handful of people lost their lives.

... This is just another reminder to all of us to appreciate all that we have. When we're home and have our electric, we are blessed. Many of us would go bananas without lights, refrigeration, television & a computer. Think about all the people who live like that everyday in those poor countries. Their just happy when there's some food on the table.

... I'm thankful that no one I know was hurt or killed during that storm. I feel bad for those who had damage done to their homes or cars. However, my heart goes out to those who died and lost loved ones.

... Lets remember that Mother Nature can take away our material possessions or our lives at any time during our lifetime. Lets enjoy all that we have.... and not complain about what we don't have or wish we had. As long as we have our health, family, friends, faith and love in our hearts.... we are truly blessed beyond measure....

... I look forward to the spring time as the weather will be getting sunny & warmer in the New York area. I know many of you feel the same way. The nice weather usually puts people in a happier mood. Spring is only 6 days away. Happy Spring Time everyone. Live, Love & Laugh...... Ciao.... :-)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

" It could always be worse "...

... Remember this everyone; "It can always be worse". No matter what your problem or circumstance may be. Some of us out there may have had tough times or are in the middle of a tough time... however.... you're all alive if you're reading this... :-). My mom always said: "As long as you're alive, anything can be fixed or resolved. My mom would then say: "Only in death is it too late to fix anything".

... When I was a child growing up in Canarsie (Brooklyn), whenever I complained about anything, my dad (Papa) used to tell me: "You're lucky you're not living in Africa" (he meant areas like Ethiopia). My dad would then say: "I wish you can go live in Africa for a few months and then you would realize how lucky you are". My dad then said: "You would come back to this country and kiss the floor".

... My parents were very wise people with a lot of common sense. Although they didn't have much of an education... they had a lot of common sense, and that to me is worth much more than books. They don't teach common sense in Harvard or any other College.

... My dad was right about how fortunate we are to live in America. Although my dad was from Italy, he always said that America was the greatest country in the world. My dad left Italy to make a better future for himself and his family to be. My dad really appreciated America because there was not much work or money to be made in Italy. (Sicily).

... My dad said many Americans were spoiled and didn't realize how good we have it here compared to the rest of the world. He was right again. I also believe America is the greatest country in the world. People in this country need to be thankful and appreciate what we have. Those that are complainers, would complain no matter where they lived in the world.

... Okay then, lets try and all be more appreciative of life and complain less. Lets count our blessings and not our issues. We all have issues. Someone once told me that life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% is how we handle it.

... There was a man who was robbed and beat up once. He then said: I'm very thankful for 3 reasons. #1). I wasn't killed. #2). He didn't get all I own. and #3). I'm thankful I wasn't the robber. Remember: Its all about how we look at things.

... I can relate to him because even though I have a rare & deadly type of Leukemia.... I have stayed thankful & positive during my battle with Leukemia. "Remember: It can always be worse"... God bless America & may God bless us all.... See you at my next post... :-)

Monday, March 1, 2010

We can learn something from the Dead...

... Someone once told me many years ago that there's a lot of people in the Cemetery that wish they were me. I thought about that for a while and said to myself... self... he's right... :-)

... We really can learn something from the dead. All of us know someone who has died. Let's think about what that person would tell us if they could talk to us after they died. I believe most dead people would tell us to enjoy our short life on Earth as much as possible.

... My friend Marcello died last week. I went to see him a few months before he died. He told me that he was probably going to die. One of the things he told me was that he wished he had taken more time off work and enjoyed life more. He also told if he lives and beats the cancer he was battling, he wanted to travel with his family and see places he always wanted to see. I'm sure they were many other things he would have loved to have done as well.

... Many dead people would have told us to love our family and friends while we have them. They would tell us to spend quality time with our children. Many people would have told us to forgive people and move on. They would have told us not to sweat the small stuff. Some would have said to work less and enjoy life more.

... My relatives & friends in Sicily (Italy) always told me this: In America, it seems most people live to work. In Sicily, we work to live. I have to agree with them because their quality of life is much less stressful and filled with more peace and joy than most of us in America.

... So I say to everyone: Enjoy this short life while you have it. Live/Love & Laugh. Make your bucket list. Do whatever makes you happy as long as you're not hurting anyone or doing anything sinful or illegal.

... I was on my death bed for almost 5 months in the hospital fighting Leukemia 3 years ago. I'm still on lots of meds. I made a mental bucket list. I will continue to try and accomplish as much as possible. I love life and people more than ever.... Please don't wait until you die to wish you Woulda-Coulda-Shoulda.... Just Do it..
... God bless you all. I love you all...

... P.S. Today is my sister Nellie's 43rd Birthday. I want to say I love her with all my heart & soul. Thank you for donating your Bone Marrow to me and saving my life.... :-)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Canarsie (Brooklyn) Friends...

... Canarsie (Brooklyn) was the greatest place to grow up in my opinion. I know many people may also feel the same way about their neighborhood as well. However, I can only speak for my neighborhood.

... I lived in Canarsie in the 60's, 70's and 80's. My parents and my sister moved out in 1984. I stayed an extra year and moved out in 1985. I was broken hearted when my family moved out. My mom and dad were in a very bad car accident in the early 80's. They both ended up retired and on disability.

... Since my parents were retired, they felt they could live anywhere. My sister and I had already graduated Canarsie HS by 1985. My parents chose Rockland County, NY. They chose Rockland because some of my other relatives had moved there first. My parents wanted the family to live nearby.

... Well... its been about 25 years later and I found so many of my friends thanks to "Facebook". I had kept in touch with a small number of my close friends, however, I had lost contact with the 100's of friends I went to school with and used to see hanging around the neighborhood.

... I never realized until Facebook that us Canarsiens had such a special and great bond. Sometimes its not until we grow up and mature that we realize what we really had. I really wish everyone from Canarsie would have moved to the same neighborhood. ( I personally like the Jersey Shore). I hope one day many of us retire in Florida and see each other all the time... :-)

... I am also very thankful that through Facebook, so many of us can keep in touch and have our Canarsie reunions throughout the year. I'm amazed by the love & joy I see on facebook and at all the Canarsie reunions. It is so special. Many people cannot understand it. I speak with people from other towns all around the tri-state area and they do not have what us Canarsiens have.

... I want to thank Canarsie and all my friends for helping me battle my cancer (Leukemia) these past few years. Finding my youth all over again on Facebook has really given me a strength and joy that is better than "Medicine". I am very thankful to God for everyone's love, thoughts and support.

... I will continue to fight this ugly cancer with my family and friends behind me. Its a tough battle and I hope to live as long as possible with this deadly type of Leukemia. Its been over 3 years with this Leukemia and I'm still having problems. However... with God, my family & friends.... all things are possible. Thank you everyone. I love you all.... :-)

... P.S. The picture above is of the Canarsie Theater on Avenue "L". I loved that place growing up... :-)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day to all...

... Yesterday was Sunday, February 14th. (Saint Valentine's Day). Valentine's Day is an annual holiday celebrating love and affection. The holiday was named after one or more Christian martyrs named Valentine and was established by Pope Gelasius in A.D. 496.

... I believe everyone has at least one Valentine. Many of us have more than one. A Valentine doesn't have to be a husband & wife, or a boyfriend & girlfriend. A Valentine is a time of celebrating love and affection as mentioned earlier.

... A Valentine can be a: Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Son, Daughter, Friend, Relative, Grandparent, Husband, Wife, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, and so on. (I believe it can even be a pet). I've heard people say they love their pet more than their relatives. To each his own. ( or as the Italians say: Sauseech his own).... :-)

... I personally love everyone. (some more than others of course). I have thousands of Valentine's. I'm sorry I could not get all of you a gift. I would have went However... if its really the thought that counts.... then you all got a gift... :-)

... Valentine's Day is also a time to remember those we love that have died. I believe we all know someone who has died that we have love and affection for. I know I have many. True love never dies. It's memories last a lifetime.

... I hope you all enjoyed your Valentine's weekend. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone. I love you all. Thank you for being a part of my life. God bless you all & thank God for the gift of Love.... See you at my next post... Ciao

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Liver Biopsy put on hold...

... My liver enzymes were at very high & dangerous levels about 2 months ago. That usually means the liver is inflamed and has some sort of damage to it. My doctor wanted me to have a liver biopsy. I told my doctor to lets continue a series of blood work and then we'll talk about the liver biopsy.

... Its been about 2 months later and my liver enzymes have started a downtrend. That's great news. I hope and pray the downtrend continues. Although a liver biopsy is not the worst surgery to have, I would still have the risk of getting an infection and that could be dangerous for me. My immune system is still very poor and my body may not be able to fight certain infections which could lead to death.

... I'm glad I didn't get the biopsy right away. I had decided to wait and pray. I told some of my friends that I would just keep praying that my liver would begin to heal. There's no guarantee that prayer would heal my liver. However, God wants us to pray to him for all things and God will have the final say.

... I was once taught this in Bible study years ago: God always answers prayer. God answers with either a YES, NO or WAIT. We have to put our Faith in God and he will make the final decision on all things. God promises not to give us more than we can handle if we put our trust/faith in him.

... I hope my liver continues to heal. I may not know what my future holds.... but I know who holds my future... :-) Praise the Lord... Can I get an Amen ???... :-) Stay well everyone. See you at my next post... Ciao

... P.S. The picture above was taken in Wildwood Crest with me & my two sons around the year 1999...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Stem Cell Transplant was completed 3 years ago today...

... Today is January 27th, 2010. It was 3 years ago today that my Stem Cell Transplant was complete. They began my Transplant on January 26th, 2007 at about 9pm. It lasted about 8 hours.

... I still remember my transplant very well. I was very scared and nervous. However, I was also thankful and blessed that my sister (Nellie) was a Bone Marrow match. She helped save my life. (now she owns

... I've been going to The Leukemia Society discussion boards for a few years. I have seen so many people die over the past 3 years with Leukemia. Its so sad. Although I'm a very positive person, I can't help to sometimes wonder if I'm next.

... I am a realist. I don't go around saying I know I'm going to live a long life and beat this cancer for sure. I hope I do. I want to live. I love life so much. I've seen some of the most positive people die the last few years. I've also seen people who prayed all the time die the last few years.

... I believe in being positive as I always have been a positive/optimistic and happy go lucky person my entire life. I am also a man who loves to pray and be prayed for. However, that also doesn't guarantee one to beat cancer and live a long life either.

... I do believe that my life is in God's hand and God will decide when my life has expired here on earth. The best doctors in the world cannot stop destiny. (although my Doctors are wonderful... :-). I just pray that God will continue to give me a peace that surpasses all understanding while I continue to battle this very rare & deadly type of Leukemia (A.L.L. PH+).

... I will continue to enjoy life as much as possible when I feel good. I ask for your continued prayers. I thank you all for your prayers and the love that has been poured unto me. I love my family so much. I also love my life, friends and my country. May God watch over us and give us his love, peace and joy.... See you at my next post.... :-)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Haiti's Earthquake & Death...

... Haiti's earthquake was a real catastrophe. They say over 150,000 people have died so far. I once again realize that no one is guaranteed a wonderful life or growing old before we die. In our lifetime there has been earthquakes, tsunami's, tornado's, mud slides, volcano eruptions, hurricane's and other acts of nature that have killed so many people.

... I remember while I was in the hospital for about 5 months, I use to watch the news a lot and saw so many of our American soldiers dying in the Iraqi & Afghanistan war. They gave their lives so that the rest of us can try to live in peace & freedom. They are our true hero's. Not the athlete's, actor's, singer's, movie stars and so on...

... While I laid in the hospital, I realized I was possibly dying with cancer (Leukemia), however, I was also so blessed to even have been born at all. I used to think about all the wonderful things I have seen & experienced. I was a son, a brother, a father (my favorite of all), a husband, a friend, a relative, an employee, a boss and so on... I layed in my hospital bed and thanked God for 43 beautiful years. If I was to die (as the odds were against me), I wanted God to know I was thankful, I was not upset with God.

... After seeing so many people die in so many tragedies during my lifetime, I realize that everyday is a gift. Tomorrow is guaranteed to no one. Why did I feel it was so wrong if I died ?, again, look at all the soldiers & Haitians that have died. They shouldn't have died either.

... Life should be lived with Thanksgiving and Love. What a better world it would be if we all can get that through our heads. Lets get rid of pride, anger, selfishness, hate, jealousy and so on.... In other words... lets try our best to keep sin out of our lives. When we do sin however, (and we all do whether it be a small or big sin), lets sincerely repent. God will forgive a sincere repentance.

... Lets all enjoy life as much as possible and fill our hearts with love. True love conquers all. Lets pray for all those that die/suffer in tragedies and especially for our American troops. We owe it to the troops to enjoy and be thankful for the very life they are dying for. God has truly blessed America.
... If you don't think so..... MOVE.

... See you at my next post.... :-)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Liver Issues... (Possible Biopsy)

... It's been a little over three years since I was diagnosed with a rare & dangerous type of Leukemia. My type of Leukemia at my age does not really have a cure. One just hopes to live as long as possible with it and has to deal with all its side effects.
... Last week I went for a lot of blood work because my liver enzymes were at dangerous levels. My ALT was 1058 & my AST was 632. (Those numbers should be below 50). That is telling my doctor that my liver is inflamed & damaged. That can happen when someone has drank alcohol, however, that is not my case.

... My doctors had said it can be several different problems. Here was what my doctor said it could be: 1) Hepatitis A,B or C. 2) Liver Cancer 3) An overload of Iron 4) Graph vs. Host Disease 5) A Liver infection or all the medication & pills that I have been taking for 3 years may have damaged the Liver.
... After doing my own research, I believe its Graph vs. Host Disease. ( that's when one's body fights the transplant and it attacks different parts of the body). In my case, my liver. I'm kind of hoping its Graph vs Host disease. That may be the best of the worst. In that case, the doctor will have to put me on a very high dose of steroids until the liver enzymes come back down.
... My doctor wants to do a liver biopsy. I told her I want continued blood work for another week or two and then we will do the biopsy if my counts remain very high. I think my doctor gets a little upset when I tell her what I truly want or believe. However, its my body and I will have the final say. ( How u doin !!! :-).
... Well.... I will keep everyone posted through facebook & my blog as to what is going on. Lorenzo's Life With Leukemia continues.... I will keep my love/faith/trust/hope in God and stay positive. I thank everyone for their thoughts, love & prayers.... Remember... God loves all of us.... The sick & the healthy... :-)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Kirsten's letter. Kirsten died from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia...

... Hi there, I'm Kirsten, I'm twenty-two, and I'm a girl who just loves life. I love skittles, Maddie, Darrick, Elijah, Burger King's chicken fries. I love Big Lots and Steak N Shake milkshakes. I love fishing, but hate worms. I love my parents and respect them for who they are and how they've been there for me through everything.

... I love skittles and saying French Fry instead of bye. I love the news of a new baby. I love my friends and all my 15 nieces and nephews. I love going to the zoo and camping out in my backyard with a tent. I love gummie bears and hate bugs. I love being outside and I'm not afraid of some dirt, but you better believe your ass - I'll scream if there's even a lady bug on me. :)

... I'm always laughing and being retarded. This is my story. This is what makes me - me. I'm not just a girl with cancer nor am I just another statistic. I use to say, I believe for a cure... that was my saying. But I've changed my mind... I don't have to believe for a cure anymore because I've found it. The cure is just living your damn hardest and never letting ANYTHING get in your way.

... If I could say anything to any of you who read this - Just remember... To smile. You will never regret it. Smile because of who you are. Smile because of the life you have and can live! Smile because of a child, the sunshine, warm blankets, skittles, chocolate sundaes on a hot summer day, rainbows, Jesus, family, friends, driving and blasting the music with the windows down. Find your reason and just smile. :)

... One of my cousins told me about Kirsten and I wanted to share her letter with you all. Kirsten died about 6 months ago. Once again I say to everyone to truly appreciate life and enjoy it while you have it. Live, Love, Laugh and always Smile as Kirsten said.
...May God bless us all.....

Monday, January 11, 2010

Dedicated to my Grandma ( RIP Nonna)

... This blog is dedicated to my Grandma (Nonna). My Nonna died on Jan. 3rd, 2010. She was 94 years old. She was a beautiful person who loved her family. She was like a second mother to me growing up in Canarsie, Brooklyn. I loved her very much and will miss her dearly.

... Nonna was truly blessed to have lived such a long life. Most of us can only wish to live 94 years on this earth. Nonna was healthy and in good shape until her last year. She never wore glasses and her hearing was very good.

... Nonna loved spending the holiday's with family and playing cards. She was always a good card player and won many of the games we played while she was in her 90's. Nonna was a widow for about 38 years. She was a strong person and kept things together after she lost her husband(Nonnu).

... Nonna lived long enough to see seven great grandchildren. That is truly a blessing. She was very independent and took good care of herself until she became ill last year. Nonna used to tell me how she would balance her checkbook to the penny every month. ( I can't even do that).

... I'm glad I told Nonna many times that I love her before she died. Its important that we tell those we love that we love them. Many of us have the love in us, however, we do not say it as often as we should. I ask all of you to say I love you to those you love and do not wait until its too late to say it. I know many people are shy, however, I also know how good it feels to say "I Love You".

... So I say.... enjoy your lives and love your family while you still have them. Anyone of us can take our last breath without notice. Some of you may want to write a letter to a loved one to let them know you love them, that is also a beautiful thing to do.

... Goodbye Nonna. I will miss you, I always loved you, I will see you in heaven. God bless you.